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Welcome to ArcTrain Canada!

What is ArcTrain?

The international program “Processes and impacts of climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Canadian Arctic (ArcTrain) is a Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program (CREATE) of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). It aims to train a new generation of scientists in geosciences, biology, physics and chemistry for addressing complex issues related to climate change in the Arctic and subarctic regions.

In addition to PhD topics at the forefront of research in ice-ocean dynamics, ArcTrain aims at developing professional skills through its international and interdisciplinary components and offers students a number of workshops and special courses, participation in research expeditions, and 4-12 months residency in a Canadian or German partner institution other than the one the student is enrolled in. The long term goal of ArcTrain is to implement a Canadian-based international school for graduate studies in the domain of ice-ocean dynamics in order to help with climate forecasting, to foster scientific understanding that will inform policy, and to contribute to sustainable development of the Arctic and subarctic realms.

Cover for ArcTrain


This page was created to share news about our research scientific group ArcTrain.

2 years ago

Mid of June, ArcTrain PhD student Jan was at the International Symposium on Maritime Glaciers (Friends of the International Glaciological Society) in Juneau, Alaska. In our latest blog post, he writes about his excitement to meet people (& glaciers!) in person again. Visiting the Glacier Bay National Park has illustrated that the only constant in life is change. ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

Coming from Germany to Canada for three months to do research in another research group is quite some experience. In our latest blog post, PhD students Linda and Yuqing talk about their time in Montreal at the McGill University from February to May - and not only about Arctic research, but also about experiencing snow and the totally different environment. Check it our here: ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

It is already more than three weeks ago, that we finally had the chance to meet with ArcTrain students and some PIs from both Canada and Germany at our 9th annual meeting. We had intense discussions about our scientific research on the Arctic Ocean and enjoyed getting together.Read all about the 9th ArcTrain annual meeting in our latest blog post: ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

Das Wasser unserer Ozeane enthält viel Salz, und so ist auch das Meereis, das wir im arktischen Ozean finden, salzig. Das Eis von Gletschern wird hingegen aus Süßwasser geformt. Doch spielt es eine Rolle für die Eiskristalle, ob Eis salzig ist? Das lässt sich mit einem kleinen Experiment, was ihr zu Hause selber durchführen könnt, ganz einfach herausfinden! Was ihr dazu braucht und wie ihr das Experiment durchführt, sehr ihr im water in our oceans is very salty, and so is the sea ice that we find in the Arctic Ocean. Glacier ice, on the other hand, is formed from fresh water. But does it matter to the ice crystals whether ice is salty? You can easily find out with a small experiment that you can carry out yourself at home! You can see what you need and how you carry out the experiment in the video (in German) or find the full instructions in English on our blog: ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

Was genau passiert in der Arktis, wenn Meereis schmilzt, so wie wir es durch die Klimakrise inzwischen immer mehr beobachten können?Das könnt ihr mit einem kleinen Experiment zu Hause selber herausfinden - und ihr braucht dafür nur ganz wenig Material, was ihr sicherlich schon zu Hause habt! Wie ihr den Versuch durchführen könnt und was ihr daraus lernen könnt, erzählen euch Johanna und Luisa in unserem Video: wünschen euch viel Spaß beim Experimentieren und freuen uns natürlich, wenn ihr euch bei Fragen dazu bei uns meldet! What happens in the Arctic Ocean when sea ice is melting, as we can observe more and more today due to the climate crisis? You can easily find out yourself with a little experiment – and you only need few materials that you probably already have at home! To learn how to do the experiment and understand what is happening, you can either watch the video in which Johanna and Luisa explain to you what to do in German (, or you check out our blog post by Valentin for instructions and explanations in English: the little experiment and get in touch with us if you have any questions! ... See MoreSee Less
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Contact us

ArcTrain Canada
201 av. du Président-Kennedy
7e étage, local PK-7150
Montréal QC
H2X 3Y7, Canada